Monday, April 11, 2016

Before and Afters

So as I am nearing completion on the inside of the house, minus a few minor detail projects and things like hanging artwork and small décor, I thought I would do a quick little before and after entry.
The following are the best before and after of the various rooms in the house.
Middle Bedroom:
Pink Bathroom


Living Room

Master Bedroom

Family Room

Peach Bathroom
Dining Room


As much as I like sharing the progress with all of you, sometimes I do these before and after comparisons so that I can see how far this project has come. There are days where I still feel hopeless-- that I'll never have time to tie up all of the loose ends in each room...Someday, it will get finished. There is one room left in the house that needs work-- the back bedroom. We'll just call it no man's land for now. Stay tuned for updates to the outside of the house, cleaning and gardening are making their way to the top of the priority list.

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